Wicca, Orion Plain and Simple

by Leanna Greenaway

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A practical beginner's guide to Wicca, its traditions, spells and rituals.

An accessible, contemporary approach to Wicca, also known as witchcraft, this book shows you how to use it as a healing and positive force. Practice magic with tarot cards, agents, and pendulums; cast love, health, wealth, family happiness, and career spells; and discover which herbs are beneficial when conducting spells and rituals.

Leanna Greenaway and Judika Illes make these life-affirming, ancient Wiccan traditions meaningful and accessible to us today by providing a basic understanding of the key elements of Wiccan practice, including:

· Lunar magic
· Initiation
· Herbs and gardens
· Pendulum power
· Animal magic

Wicca, Orion Plain and Simple also includes over 25 spells for beginners that range from fertility spells and money spells, to love spells and much more.

SKU: 9781409169840 Format: EPUB
KES 1,642
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