When You Are Down to Nothing, God Is Up to Something

by Robert Anthony Schuller, William Kruidenier

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Everyone gets "down to nothing" at some point in life, whether in relationships, finances, vision and courage for the future, physical or emotional exhaustion, or disappointment with God--everybody at some time comes to the end of their rope. It's exactly at those points that God does His best work. When we're down to nothing, God is up to something--truths to teach us, answers to satisfy us, assurance to bolster us, resources to supply us, or directions to guide us.

In this book, Robert Schuller chronicles a particularly dark period in his life and shares with the reader what he learned God was up to in his relationsips, meeting his needs like health and finances, providing guidance in his emotional life, but most of all, in learning to know and trust God more.
SKU: 9781455506552 Format: EPUB
KES 1,532
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