Veterinary Microbiology

by D. Scott McVey, Melissa Kennedy, M. M. Chengappa, Rebecca Wilkes

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Veterinary Microbiology

Comprehensive reference work on the bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens that cause animal diseases

Veterinary Microbiology, Fourth Edition presents comprehensive information based on the most recent research, diagnostic, and clinical publications for bacterial, fungal, and viral animal diseases. The information provided is intended to be most relevant for veterinary students and practitioners.

The text is supported throughout by high-quality and full-color images to aid learning. A companion website offers chapter content, supplemental information, and figures from the book in PowerPoint format. Sample topics discussed within the book include:

  • Pathogenic bacteriology: includes major classifications and genera of bacteria associated with veterinary infectious disease
  • Pathogenic mycology: dermatophytes, agents of subcutaneous mycoses, and agents of systemic mycoses
  • Pathogenic virology: includes RNA and DNA viruses as well as prions associated with veterinary infectious disease
SKU: 9781119650829 Format: EPUB
KES 30,117
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