The Sisterhood

by Bobbie Houston

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As Co-founder and Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church and founder of The Colour Sisterhood, Bobbie Houston paints a vision of God's plan for women of all ages and backgrounds to flourish, empower each other, and unite to change the world.

We don't need to look far to realize that not all women live with the same opportunities and confidence. The Sisterhood invites women to explore and expand what they believe about God, themselves, and their responsibility to the world around them. Tracing the rise of Hillsong Church's global Sisterhood movement, author Bobbie Houston challenges women to join her in creating a new era of outreach. Readers will learn how to embrace their individual gifts and value as women, growing seeds of change into greater possibilities for women everywhere. If one woman can change her world, then only heaven truly knows what an entire company of women can achieve.
SKU: 9781455592517 Format: EPUB
KES 283
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