The Science Fiction Handbook

by M. Keith Booker, Anne-Marie Thomas

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The Science Fiction Handbook offers a comprehensive and accessible survey of one of the literary world's most fascinating genres.
  • Includes separate historical surveys of key subgenres including time-travel narratives, post-apocalyptic and post-disaster narratives and works of utopian and dystopian science fiction
  • Each subgenre survey includes an extensive list of relevant critical readings, recommended novels in the subgenre, and recommended films relevant to the subgenre
  • Features entries on a number of key science fiction authors and extensive discussion of major science fiction novels or sequences
  • Writers and works include Isaac Asimov; Margaret Atwood; George Orwell; Ursula K. Le Guin; The War of the Worlds (1898); Starship Troopers (1959); Mars Trilogy (1993-6); and many more
  • A 'Science Fiction Glossary' completes this indispensable Handbook
SKU: 9781444310351 Format: PDF
KES 19,268
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