The Power of Japanese Candlestick Charts

by Fred K. H. Tam

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A practical, must-read guide to candlestick charting techniques

Japanese candlestick charting is a highly effective method for timing the market for short-term profits. Unlike most western techniques—moving average, relative strength index, MACD, stochastic, Bollinger bands, or Elliot waves—candlestick charting signals are based on very close analysis of product price, producing accurate buy or sell signals between two and ten periods earlier than other techniques. In The Power of Japanese Candlestick Charts, noted author and futures trading expert Fred Tam offers a full and sophisticated range of charting techniques using candlestick methodology.

  • Written by Fred K. H. Tam, a noted pioneer in exploring the Japanese candlestick methodology
  • Ideal for anyone who wants to invest or trade in both the futures and stock markets
  • Includes hundreds of illustrated charts

The Power of Japanese Candlestick Charts is a comprehensive and valuable guide to candlestick charting that is perfect for analysts, stock or day traders, and short-term position traders.

SKU: 9781118732953 Format: EPUB
KES 11,897
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