The Evidence for Phantom Hitch Hikers

by Michael Goss

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All over the world motorists report giving lifts to hitch-hikers who then vanish, ghostlike, en route. Phantom Hitch-Hikers, as these insubstantial passengers are called, have become classified as an urban legend and related to historical tales of supernatural travelling companions. But is there more to such stories than picturesque folklore? Are there genuine paranormal experiences behind the reports?

This book addresses itself seriously to such questions and examines the available evidence for these encounters critically and objectively. In so doing, it dispels several misconceptions about the phenomenon and presents new evidence to suggest that in some cases real experiences are being reported.

Aspects covered include:
The Phantom Hitch-Hiker as folklore
The Hitch-Hiker as prophet
Literary precedents - the Demon Lover
The role of the press
The sexual element
The historical background
Evaluating the evidence

SKU: 9781473606319 Format: EPUB
KES 1,785
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