The Edge Chronicles 3: Clash of the Sky Galleons

by Stewart, Paul, Riddell, Chris

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Young sky-pirate Quint Verginix’s family was devastated when his mother and brothers were killed in a vicious arson attack. Now the treacherous quartermaster responsible, Turbot Smeal, has returned, and Quint and his father are determined to take revenge.

From the deserted quarries of the Edge Cliff to the lethal glades of bloodoak trees, their deadly pursuit can only end in a clash of the sky galleons.

Clash of the Sky Galleons is the third book of the Quint Saga – first trilogy in The Edge Chronicles, the internationally best-selling fantasy series, which has featured on the UK and the New York Times best-seller lists and sold more than 3 million copies. There are now 13 titles and four trilogies in the series, but each book is a stand-alone adventure, so you can read The Edge Chronicles in any order you choose.

SKU: 9781446498286 Format: EPUB
KES 933
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