The Divorced Dads' Handbook

by Steve Davies

This is an eBook that you can download electronically.

This book provides practical hard-to-find help to fathers who are separated from their kids. It covers various relevant areas from legal and financial to emotional and recreational. This work is delivered in a down-to-earth and accessible style.

Contents: 1. Separation; 2. Seeing your kids:the first few months; 3. Contact arrangements; 4. Court orders: dealing with family courts; 5. Mediation services; 6. Your financial responsibility to your children; 7. Ongoing parenting: become a great dad; 8. Building your own support network; 9. Paternity issues; 10. Parent Alienation Syndrome; Useful contacts; Index.

SKU: 9781472142054 Format: EPUB
KES 2,257
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