The Complete Idiot's Guide to Classic Movies

by Pfeiffer, Lee

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Sit back, grab some popcorn, and let the credits roll.

The Complete Idiot's Guide® to Classic Movies provides comprehensive information on the best classic films from the silent era up through 1969, cross-referenced several different ways for easy access. Also contains fun, "insider" trivia and facts about the movies, the stars, and factors that influenced the movie or the audience at the time of the movie's release.
* Written by a recognized name in the industry who has written books on movies and film for decades
* Features only the best movies (3 and 4 stars) from the silent era up through 1969
* Offers several indexes, which are cross-referenced alphabetically by actor and director, in addition to the main text being indexed by film name and genre
* Includes appendices that provide information on the top 100 films of all time, the greatest movie quotes, Academy Award winners, and Internet references for locating hard-to-find films

SKU: 9780241882351 Format: EPUB
KES 3,287
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