The Business Romantic

by Tim Leberecht

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Top 10 Motivational Books of 2015 -
Top 10 Creative Leadership Books of 2015 - Forbes

Against the backdrop of eroding trust in capitalism, pervasive technology, big data, and the desire to quantify all of our behaviours, The Business Romantic makes a compelling case that we must meld the pursuit of success and achievement with romance if we want to create an economy that serves our entire selves.

A rising star in data analytics who is in love with the intrinsic beauty of spreadsheets; the mastermind behind a brand built on absence; an Argentinian couple who revolutionize shoelaces; the founder of a foodie-oriented start-up that creates intimate conversation spaces; a performance artist who offers fake corporate seminars for real professionals - these are some of the innovators readers will meet in this witty, deeply personal, and rousing journey through the world of Business Romanticism.

The Business Romantic not only provides surprising insights into the emotional and social aspects of business but also presents 'Rules of Enchantment' that will help both individuals and organisations construct more meaningful experiences for themselves and others.

The Business Romantic offers a radically different view of the good life and outlines how to better meet one's own desires as well as those of customers, employees, and society. It encourages readers to expect more from companies, to give more of themselves, and to fall back in love with their work and their lives.

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