Technical Communication, Global Edition

For courses in Technical Communication.


Complete coverage for any course in technical communication,business communication, or professional writing

Today's workplace requires writing emails, memos, letters, and informalreports, as well as more complex communications such as formal reports,proposals, web pages, and presentations. Technical Communication, 15thEdition guides students to write persuasively, effectively, and withperspective on technological innovations and global communications. 


Lannon and Gurak incorporate the interpersonal, logical, ethical,and cultural demands of different forms of workplace communications, andencourage the development of skills students will need to navigate theseconsiderations. Building on research and writing skills, the authors preparestudents for technical writing in any field. The 15th Edition incorporatesthe latest innovations in workplace communication and today's technologicallysophisticated, diverse, and global workforce, while retaining and expandingupon the features that have made it a best-seller in technical communication.

KES 7,212
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Author John Lannon, Laura Gurak
Language English
Format PDF
Publisher Pearson Education


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