Tears Heal

by Kate Orson

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One of the most difficult things parents of babies and young children have to deal with are tears. When babies cry, parents shhh, or rock them to try to get them to stop. When toddlers' tantrum parents may distract them, attempt to reason with them, or ignore their crying in the hope it won't last long. It seems natural to judge the success of parenting by how much children cry.

Tears Heal will allow readers to discover parenting's biggest paradigm shift, the way they respond to their children's tears. Here parents will learn how to transform their parenting by moving away from stopping feelings, towards listening instead. Tears Heal explains how children's challenging behaviour comes from unheard feelings and how through simple shifts in how we respond to their upsets we can solve our parenting struggles.

Tears Heal is warm, and full of empathy for the hard work, and struggles that parents go through. It also has a strong leaning towards helping parents with their own emotions, as they deal with their children's challenging moments. It explains why we find children's feelings hard to handle, because our feelings weren't fully listened to when we were children, and shows how we can nurture and support ourselves so that we can be the parents we want to be.

SKU: 9780349410111 Format: EPUB
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