Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults

by David W. Springer, Allen Rubin

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State-of-the-art, empirical support for the treatmentof substance abuse

Part of the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults provides busy mental health practitioners with detailed, step-by-step guidance for implementing clinical interventions that are supported by the latest scientific evidence.

Edited by renowned educators David W. Springer and Allen Rubin, this thorough yet practical reference draws on a roster of experts and researchers in the field who have assembled state-of-the-art knowledge into this well-rounded guide. Each chapter serves as a practitioner-focused how-to guide and covers interventions that have the best empirical support for treating substance abuse problems, including:

  • Family behavior therapy for substance abuse and associated problems
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Problem solving and social skills training
  • Adolescent community reinforcement approach (A-CRA)
  • Cognitive behavioral coping skills therapy for adults
  • Seeking Safety treatment for clients with PTSD and substance abuse
Easy-to-use and accessible in tone, Substance Abuse Treatment for Youth and Adults is an indispensable resource for practitioners who would like to implement evidence-based, compassionate, effective interventions in their care of substance-abusing clients.
SKU: 9780470543764 Format: EPUB
KES 11,437
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