Starting and Running a Business All-in-One For Dummies

by Dan Matthews, Colin Barrow, Paul Barrow, Gregory Brooks, Ben Carter, Frank Catalano, Peter Economy, Lita Epstein, Alexander Hiam, Greg Holden, Tony Levene, Bob Nelson, Steven D. Peterson, Richard Pettinger, Bud E. Smith, Craig Smith, Paul Tiffany, John A. Tracy, Liz Barclay

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Written by a team of business and fi nance experts, Starting & Running a Business All-In-One For Dummies is a complete guide to every aspect of setting up and growing a successful business. Featuring straight-talking advice on everything from business planning and marketing, managing staff and dealing with legal issues, to bookkeeping and taking care of tax obligations, this book is your one-stop guide to turning your business plans into profit.
SKU: 9781119996002 Format: EPUB
KES 5,271
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