Seasons of the Day

by Kennedy, Stanislaus

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Based on the traditional Book of Hours - psalms said daily, at set times, by religious communities throughout the world - Seasons of the Day reveals the enduring relevance of this ancient practice
to contemporary living.

In Seasons of the Day, Sister Stan, knowing that our modern-day understanding of time pushes us to our stressed-out limits, passes on the monastic ritual to the layperson.

Here, as she slows us down, she reveals the psalms through her own words, her own prayers. Using them, she also guides us tenderly through a four-week period, from the silence and mystery of pre-dawn (matins) through to the reflective conclusion of the day (compline).

In a world that can often seem hostile and unfriendly, her gentle reflections help the reader find inner peace and confidence.

A prayer book for today

SKU: 9781407041063 Format: EPUB
KES 958
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