
by Sangster, Jim

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Martin Scorsese’s obsession with sin and redemption, conflict and violence runs through much of his work. This essential guide to Scorsese explores his career from his early student works, including It’s Not Just You, Murray!: through his personal examinations of his Italian American heritage in Mean Streets, Italianamerican and Goodfellas: the extreme violence of Raging Bull, Taxi Driver and Cape Fear: and the religious themes – from a director who originally wanted to be a priest – of The Last Temptation of Christ and Kundun. Including all Scorsese’s films up to Gangs of New York, this is a comprehensive study of the work of this widely respected film maker. Also covering his influences, the controversy surrounding his films, exhaustive music lists and long-time collaborations, this is an extensive analysis of the most consistently passionate, committed and inventive film director of the last thirty years.
SKU: 9781448133277 Format: EPUB
KES 2,108
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