RFID For Dummies

by Patrick J. Sweeney

This is an eBook that you can download electronically.

  • Many companies have asked suppliers to begin using RFID (radio frequency identification) tags by 2006
  • RFID allows pallets and products to be scanned at a greater distance and with less effort than barcode scanning, offering superior supply-chain management efficiencies
  • This unique plain-English resource explains RFID and shows CIOs, warehouse managers, and supply-chain managers how to implement RFID tagging in products and deploy RFID scanning at a warehouse or distribution center
  • Covers the business case for RFID, pilot programs, timelines and strategies for site assessments and deployments, testing guidelines, privacy and regulatory issues, and more
SKU: 9781118054475 Format: EPUB
KES 4,516
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