Project Management

by Harold Kerzner

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The landmark project management reference, now in a new edition

Now in a Tenth Edition, this industry-leading project management "bible" aligns its streamlined approach to the latest release of the Project Management Institute's Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMI®'s PMBOK® Guide), the new mandatory source of training for the Project Management Professional (PMP®) Certificat-ion Exam. This outstanding edition gives students and professionals a profound understanding of project management with insights from one of the best-known and respected authorities on the subject.

From the intricate framework of organizational behavior and structure that can determine project success to the planning, scheduling, and controlling processes vital to effective project management, the new edition thoroughly covers every key component of the subject. This Tenth Edition features:

  • New sections on scope changes, exiting a project, collective belief, and managing virtual teams
  • More than twenty-five case studies, including a new case on the Iridium Project covering all aspects of project management
  • 400 discussion questions
  • More than 125 multiple-choice questions

(PMI, PMBOK, PMP, and Project Management Professional are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)

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