Pocket Guide to Mammals of East Africa

by Chris Stuart, Mathilde Stuart

This is an eBook that you can download electronically.

East Africa comprises a range of habitats that provide living space
for more than 360 diverse species of mammal. These vary in size
from the massive elephant to the tiniest bats, shrews and mice.
This compact guide covers all of the common and some of the less
common mammal species of the region. For each species it offers:
• key identification features, behaviour, diet, breeding biology,
occurrence and size
• clear, full-colour photographs
• track illustrations
• silhouettes to indicate size relative to human figure
• distribution map
A section on droppings/dung of many of the animals, as well as that
of relative tracks, conclude the book. Compact and easy-to-use, this
is the ideal companion both for regulars and visitors to the region.

SKU: 9781775840954 Format: EPUB
KES 957
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