Plastid Genome Evolution

by Shu-Miaw Chaw, Robert K. Jansen

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Plastid Genome Evolution, Volume 85 provides a summary of recent research on plastid genome variation and evolution across photosynthetic organisms. It covers topics ranging from the causes and consequences of genomic changes, to the phylogenetic utility of plastomes for resolving relationships across the photosynthetic tree of life. This newly released volume presents thorough, up-to-date information on coevolution between the plastid and nuclear genomes, with chapters on plastid autonomy vs. nuclear control over plastid function, establishment and genetic integration of plastids, plastid genomes in alveolate protists, plastid genomes of glaucophytes, the evolution of the plastid genome in chlorophyte and streptophyte green algae, and more. - Provides comprehensive coverage of plastid genome variation by leading researchers in the field - Presents a broad range of taxonomic groups, ranging from single and multicellular algae, to the major clades of land plants - Includes thorough, up-to-date information on coevolution between the plastid and nuclear genomes
SKU: 9780128134580 Format: EPUB
KES 32,023
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