O' Level Revision Mathematics

O Level Revision Mathematics is an all-purpose Mathematics revision book. The book: ‰ covers all the syllabus topics in an interesting way; ‰ starts each chapter with a helicopter overview of each topic; ‰ gives brief background and practical applications of each syllabus topic, which helps candidates understand and remember facts; ‰ lays out concepts for each topic in a very interesting way; ‰ has many worked examples for every concept in a topic which enables learners to follow and understand very well; ‰ has examination practice questions (with both Paper 1 and Paper 2 current exam-type questions) covering all concepts in each topic after every topic; ‰ can be used to prepare for examinations right from the start of O Level (Form 3) alongside the main text, since it has been structured such that after every topic it has topic-based examination questions; ‰ can be used as a source of extension work for further classroom practice; ‰ guides the learner through working of problems by giving helpful tips and methods; ‰ provides possible answers to all the typical examination questions which help learners to make fruitful revision; and ‰ is user friendly and highly suitable for candidates to study on their own.
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Author M.B. Kufakowadya
Pages 358
Language English
License period 365
Format PDF
Publisher Zimbabwe Publishing House


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