Nutrition and Cancer

by Clare Shaw

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Nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting patients receiving treatment for cancer. Carefully considered nutritional options can help to manage patients with weight loss and cachexia, support the patient’s ability to recover from surgery and cope with treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Patients living with and beyond cancer can also benefit from advice on optimal nutrition and lifestyle changes.

Edited by Dr Clare Shaw, Consultant Dietitian at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Nutrition and Cancer takes an unrivalled look at this prevalent disease, offering the reader:

  • An insight into the nutritional challenges faced for patients with cancer
  • A practical guide to nutrition and dietetic practice in cancer care
  • A detailed look at nutritional options for different diagnostic groups
  • Contributions from a wide range of cancer specialists

An excellent resource for dietitians, clinical nutritionists, doctors, nurses and other health professionals working with cancer patients, this book is also a fascinating reference for students and researchers with an interest in the area.

SKU: 9781444329308 Format: EPUB
KES 9,781
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