Mise En Scene French Theatre Now

by Annie Sparks, Annie Stephenson, David Bradby

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A invaluable survey of French theatre since 1968

Mise en Scène is a book in two parts. The first half is a probing look at French theatre now, providing an historical and critical survey of drama and theatre in France since 1968. It explores playwrights such as Samuel Beckett, Marguerite Duras, Michel Vinaver and Bernard-Marie Koltès and directors of international reputation such as Peter Brook, Robert Wilson, Roger Planchon, Antoine Vitez, Patrice Chereau and Ariane Mnouchkine.

The second part of Mise en Scène features a comprehensive listings guide to major theatre companies, insitutions, festivals, training schools and invaluable A-Z profiles of contemporary playwrights and directors from France.

SKU: 9781408148884 Format: EPUB
KES 4,950
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