Microbial Biodegradation and Bioremediation

by Surajit Das, Hirak Ranjan Dash

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Microbial Biodegradation and Bioremediation: Techniques and Case Studies for Environmental Pollution, Second Edition describes the successful application of microbes and their derivatives for bioremediation of potentially toxic and relatively novel compounds in the environment. Our natural biodiversity and environment is in danger due to the release of continuously emerging potential pollutants by anthropogenic activities. Though many attempts have been made to eradicate and remediate these noxious elements, thousands of xenobiotics of relatively new entities emerge every day, thus worsening the situation. Primitive microorganisms are highly adaptable to toxic environments, and can reduce the load of toxic elements by their successful transformation and remediation.

This completely updated new edition presents many new technologies and techniques and includes theoretical context and case studies in every chapter. Microbial Biodegradation and Bioremediation: Techniques and Case Studies for Environmental Pollution, Second Edition serves as a single-source reference and encompasses all categories of pollutants and their applications in a convenient, comprehensive format for researchers in environmental science and engineering, pollution, environmental microbiology, and biotechnology.

  • Describes many novel approaches of microbial bioremediation including genetic engineering, metagenomics, microbial fuel cell technology, biosurfactants and biofilm-based bioremediation
  • Introduces relatively new hazardous elements and their bioremediation practices including oil spills, military waste water, greenhouse gases, polythene wastes, and more
  • Provides the most advanced techniques in the field of bioremediation, including insilico approach, microbes as pollution indicators, use of bioreactors, techniques of pollution monitoring, and more
  • Completely updated and expanded to include topics and techniques such as genetically engineered bacteria, environmental health, nanoremediation, heavy metals, contaminant transport, and in situ and ex situ methods
  • Includes theoretical context and case studies within each chapter
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