Mastering Global Corporate Governance
by Ulrich Steger, Peter Lorange, Fred Neubauer, John Ward, Bill George
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Corporate Governance is the hot topic of the new millennium. Gone are the days when CEOs set agendas and earned 500 times more than average employees. Now, transparency rules. Corporations must establish new systems of accountability, and encourage long-term participation in decision-making by both shareholders and staff. Those that succeed will be better equipped to create wealth, solve complex problems, and compete in global markets.
The role of the directorate and the need to ensure an effective framework for its accountability to owners is paramount to success. In line with this thinking, Mastering Global Corporate Governance argues that one of the key responsibilities of the Board is leadership, and that the root of good corporate governance lies in the strength of a corporate leader. In particular, it focuses on two 'burning issues' for senior executives: how can the boards of global companies best lead their companies through the fundamental dilemmas that face all boards?; and how can Boards, entrusted with ultimate responsibility for the way a company exercises leadership, provide that leadership?
SKU: 9781119187370
Format: EPUB
The role of the directorate and the need to ensure an effective framework for its accountability to owners is paramount to success. In line with this thinking, Mastering Global Corporate Governance argues that one of the key responsibilities of the Board is leadership, and that the root of good corporate governance lies in the strength of a corporate leader. In particular, it focuses on two 'burning issues' for senior executives: how can the boards of global companies best lead their companies through the fundamental dilemmas that face all boards?; and how can Boards, entrusted with ultimate responsibility for the way a company exercises leadership, provide that leadership?
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