
by Trevor Silvester

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'One of the biggest mistakes we make,' Trevor Silvester says, 'is to treat other people as if they are just like us. I'm a Harley Street therapist, and over nearly twenty years I've been helping couples improve their lives together, and one thing is clear to me: most couples don't flounder through lack of love, but through a lack of understanding.'LOVEBIRDS includes a multiple choice test so that readers can discover which type they - and their partners - belong to.Then there is a description of each type - what makes them tick, their likes and dislikes, how they tend to behave, their body language, what they tend to look like, the line of work and hobbies they are likely to choose, their hopes and fears. So in this section you can read about yourself - and your partner.The final section looks at all the different possible combinations between the types, showing how misunderstandings can arise and giving advice on how to keep love between the different types of birds going and growing.
SKU: 9781444740882 Format: EPUB
KES 2,431
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