Lost Dreams

by Nora Kay

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When her mother dies, Laura Morrison is forced to give up her place at univerity to care for her father and her young brother Ronnie. She dreams of escape from the unending housework that now fills her days. But worse is to come. When her father decides to re-marry and to leave Scotland behind, he has no place in his new life for them. Laura has to find a way to support them both.
How is she to manage? With no qualifications, she can expect only a poorly paid job. Fergus Cunninhgam is the answer to Laura's prayer, she thinks. A successful lawyer, he needs someone to care for three-year-old Sylvia.
But he cannot give her security. As a housekeeper, Laura is in danger of dismissal the moment that Mr Cunningham decides to marry his glamorous girlfriend. And must she give up all her own dreams?
The Dundee Courier called this book 'an unforgettable story of love and heartache.'

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