Loose Connections

by Rachel Trezise

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Mother-of-two Rosemary is a woman under pressure. With two difficult teenaged children, a distant husband and a busy job, the stress is mounting. The loss of her internet connection pushes her over the edge.

After waiting a month and two failed attempts to fix the problem, a third repair man arrives. When he too says he can't get her back online, his incompetence forces Rosemary to take drastic action. The repair man realises that Rosemary is not as naive as she first appears. She is a woman with a secret and is capable of causing him harm.

"Loose Connections" is a darkly humorous story about how computers can distance people from the real world around them. "Quick Reads" are exciting, short, fast-paced books by leading, bestselling authors, specifically written for emergent readers and adult learners.

SKU: 9781907726040 Format: EPUB
KES 172
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