
by West, Peter

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Do you realize how revealing your handwriting is? Whenever you put pen to paper - whether applying for a job, addressing an envelope or merely doodling - you may be giving away much more about yourself than you intend.

In this highly readable and authoritative guide, graphologist Peter West uses over 300 illustrations to analyse:
-General features - slant, size and margin
-Specifics - capitals, numbers, signatures and choice of ink and paper colour
-Doodles - what is the secret of your absent-minded designs?
-The letters of the alphabet - identifying the main stylistic variations

It includes illuminating sections on graphology as an aid to:
-Assessing compatibility in relationships
-Personal management
-Child guidance

Handwriting provides a fascinating and invaluable chance to better understanding yourself and others.

SKU: 9781446490020 Format: EPUB
KES 2,002
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