Growing Up in Heaven

by Van Praagh, James

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James Van Praagh is one of the most famous psychics in the world, whose extraordinary gift enables him to bridge heaven and earth. Drawing on nearly three decades of spirit communication, in Growing Up in Heaven he takes us on a powerful, emotional and ultimately inspiring journey to the other side. With compassion and insight, he offers a detailed portrayal of a child's soul on its journey from this world to the next. Through true stories and messages from those who have passed over, he explains the unbreakable bond between parent and child while offering us an amazing vision of heaven.

Van Praagh proves that love transcends the physical and material planes of this world, and offers compelling evidence that our departed ones, however young and tragically taken, will always be a part of our lives.

SKU: 9781446490952 Format: EPUB
KES 2,273
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