Gardeners' World: 201 Ideas for Growing Fruit and Veg

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There is nothing quite like home-grown produce. Whether it's a crisp apple, freshly picked on a summer's day, or a handful of hardy vegetables and herbs to keep you going through the winter months, the benefits of growing your own crops are endless. Which is why the experts at Gardeners' World magazine have compiled this collection of their most useful tips for making the most of your garden or allotment.

Whether it's pointers on how to get started or expert hints for the seasoned gardener, 201 Ideas for Growing Fruit and Veg is packed with useful gardening know-how. From simple projects for growing veg in small plots, to inspired ideas for ensuring that your crops grow successfully year on year, you will find here a wealth of advice, all gathered from the years of gardening experience of the team at Britain's biggest-selling gardening magazine.

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