Fishes in Lagoons and Estuaries in the Mediterranean 3A

by Mohamed Hichem Kara, Jean-Pierre Quignard

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Based on the most recent scientific data, and without neglecting historical publications, Fishes in Lagoons and Estuaries in the Mediterranean 3 comprehensively details Mediterranean lagoonal–marine migratory fish. It provides information regarding their systematics, eobiology, ethology, genetics and their exploitation.

After a general categorization of the species represented, this volume, third in a set of books on Mediterranean ichthyofauna, offers a synthesis of the knowledge acquired from 1890 to the present day for each of the 21 species most frequently found in Mediterranean lagoons and estuaries. These species are detailed across the two parts of volume 3. The scientific data presented in this book concern the species’ lagoon life as much as their marine life, and are therefore of particular interest for both the management of fish stocks and for the conservation of species.

Designed to give rapid and comprehensive access to the body of knowledge on Mediterranean lagoonal and estuarine migratory fishes, this volume is for anyone involved in the use, management or protection of natural environments and their populations, including ecobiologists, geographers, engineers, teachers, students and researchers.


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KES 26,593
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