Feathers in the Snow

by Philip Ridley

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Beneath a sky full of stars a decision is made. This decision sets off an astonishing chain of events. And a journey involving a talking leopard, a greedy King, a magical bird, a tidal wave, a Sea Witch, a lost soldier, a devious dolphin, a war - and a trail of feathers in the snow . . .

Feathers in the Snow, a family show by acclaimed playwright and children's author Philip Ridley, is an epic story of magic and migration. Covering over five hundred years - and with a huge cast - it explores how stories give meaning to random events and of our constant need to find somewhere we call 'home'.

Feathers in the Snow reunites director David Mercatali with playwright Philip Ridley, following their collaboration in 2011 on Tender Napalm which was named one of the Guardian, Observer and Time Out's best shows of 2011.
SKU: 9781472515155 Format: EPUB
KES 2,322
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