Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, Global Edition

DIGITAL UPDATE available forSpring 2021 classes


Forcourses in entrepreneurship.


Learn about the entrepreneurial processthrough real-world examples
Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures 
explores the allure of entrepreneurship,teaching students how to successfully launch and grow their own business. Usingreal business profiles of inspiring young entrepreneurs, the text engagesstudents through relevant examples they can easily relate to. The 6thEdition examines entrepreneurship through an easy, four-step processthat clearly outlines both the excitement and difficulty of launching a newcompany. Careful to identify failures as well as successes, the text is a guideto starting a new business.
KES 8,351
International delivery
Free click & collect
Author Bruce Barringer, R. Ireland
Language English
Format EPUB
Publisher Pearson Education


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