End Of Days

by Sylvia Browne, Lindsay Harrison

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The world has become a scary place - religious wars, global terrorism, genocide. The Information Age has transported us into the Anxiety Age. Everyone is on edge, wondering what is coming next. People want answers to the following:

* Was the 2020 worldwide Coronavirus outbreak foretold?
* What do all the great prophecies mean - Nostradamus and the Book of Revelation among them?
* What will happen in the next 50 years? The next 100 years?
* If the world is going to end - what happens then?

If there is anyone who knows what is going to happen, it is Sylvia Browne. There is no one better placed to lead us through the myriad prophecies, beliefs, portents and signs about the end of the world. All the answers will be revealed in END OF DAYS.

SKU: 9780748118922 Format: EPUB
KES 1,910
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