Electric Currents in Geospace and Beyond

by Andreas Keiling, Octav Marghitu, Michael Wheatland

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Electric currents are fundamental to the structure and dynamics of space plasmas, including our own near-Earth space environment, or “geospace.”This volume takes an integrated approach to the subject of electric currents by incorporating their phenomenology and physics for many regions in one volume. It covers a broad range of topics from the pioneers of electric currents in outer space, to measurement and analysis techniques, and the many types of electric currents. 

  • First volume on electric currents in space in over a decade that provides authoritative up-to-date insight on the current status of research
  • Reviews recent advances in observations, simulation, and theory of electric currents
  • Provides comparative overviews of electric currents in the space environments of different astronomical bodies

Electric Currents in Geospace and Beyond serves as an excellent reference volume for a broad community of space scientists, astronomers, and astrophysicists who are studying space plasmas in the solar system.

Read an interview with the editors to find out more:

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