Complete Hip And Thigh Diet

by Conley, Rosemary

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As thousands of successful slimmers have testified, the Complete Hip and Thigh Diet is, quite simply, the diet that works. Slimmers the world over have trimmed inches off those parts other diets failed to reach, transforming their shape and improving their health. And what's more - those unwanted inches have stayed away! This fully updated and expanded edition of Rosemary Conley's diet book provides further evidence of the diet's long-term success. With a wider selection of flexible menus, over 150 recipes, more options for vegetarians, maintenance instructions and straightforward fat-charts, and a new programme of exercises for the hips and thighs, dieting has never been simpler. There's plenty to eat and no calories or units to count, just incredible results to enjoy! The perfect diet book for people who want to lose weight without the bore of calorie counting.
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