
by Laura Poliakoff

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Old friends Carl and Mikey must say their farewells this evening as Mikey makes plans to leave the care home that has become their new stomping ground. Troll Face just wants to keep things running to time and Etienne is forced to see out his community service with two old geezers scrounging for fags.
Shut away from a world where pensioners steal in order to feed themselves and dreaming of a youthspent in the dingy corner of a seedy club, two lifelong friends are forced to say their goodbyes. Whenmemory is fading and the past is clouded with a lifetime of drink and drugs, what is true and how to live is called into question.
Laura Poliakoff's debut play is a powerful call-to-arms for a generation of twenty-year-olds not considering their own old age. How we care for our elderly, where we put them and the sacrifices that are made fuels this often comic yet touching play.
SKU: 9781408173008 Format: EPUB
KES 2,322
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