Ace It! Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 (Library)

by Shuter & Shooter Publishers

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Exam revision is a stressful time. No one understands this better than the creators of Ace it! so we’ve developed a range of study guides to help you do well in every subject you’re taking from Grade 8 to 12. Everyone has to write the same tests and exams; but we know and understand that every learner learns differently. Ace it! has been developed to suit individual learning styles; while still covering all of the important concepts and skills that you need to know to succeed. The creators of Ace it! have a long and proud history in educational materials. We rely on the best and most knowledgeable authors; many of whom are teachers. This means that you can be sure that Ace it! is a quality product; guaranteed to improve your results.
SKU: 9781485835509 Format: PDF
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