The New Yorker Book of Teacher Cartoons

by Robert Mankoff, Lee Lorenz

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The riotous world of the classroom, captured by the cartoonists at The New Yorker

The New Yorker Book of Teacher Cartoons, Second Edition is a hilarious compilation of cartoons that capture the joy, terror, excitement, anxiety, fun, and bedlam that teachers experience every day, as seen through the eyes of The New Yorker's best-loved cartoonists.

A wonderful collection from some of the best and brightest artists in the world, The New Yorker Book of Teacher Cartoons takes a wry look into the classroom—at the students, at their devoted and demanding parents, and, especially, at the teachers in the thick of things.

  • Includes more than 100 hilarious cartoons
  • Updated edition reflects recent changes in the world of education
  • Features an introduction by Lee Lorenz

Compiled by Robert Mankoff, cartoon editor of The New Yorker and creator of more than eight hundred cartoons published in the magazine, The New Yorker Book of Teacher Cartoons is a perfect gift for teachers, and an encyclopedia of laughs for us all.

SKU: 9781118362358 Format: EPUB
KES 4,209
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