Mastering the Instructional Design Process

by William J. Rothwell, Bud Benscoter, Marsha King, Stephen B. King

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A comprehensive framework for effective real-world instructional design

Mastering the Instructional Design Process provides step-by-step guidance on the design and development of an engaging, effective training program. The focus on core competencies of instructional system design helps you develop your skills in a way that's immediately applicable to real-world settings, and this newly updated fifth edition has been revised to reflect the new IBSTPI Competencies and Standards for Instructional Design. With a solid foundation of researched and validated standards, this invaluable guide provides useful insight and a flexible framework for approaching instructional design from a practical perspective. Coverage includes the full range of design considerations concerning the learners, objectives, setting, and more, and ancillaries include design templates, PowerPoint slides, lecture notes, and a test bank help you bring these competencies to the classroom.

Instructional design is always evolving, and new trends are emerging to meet the ever-changing needs of learners and exploit the newest tools at our disposal. This book brings together the latest developments and the most effective best practices to give you a foolproof framework for successfully managing instructional design projects.

  • Detect and solve human performance problems
  • Analyze needs, learners, work settings, and work
  • Establish performance objectives and measurements
  • Deliver effective instruction in a variety of scenarios

Effective training programs don't just happen. Instructional design is a complex field, and practitioners must be skilled in very specific areas to deliver a training program that engages learners and makes the learning 'stick.' Mastering the Instructional Design Process is a comprehensive handbook for developing the skillset that facilitates positive training outcomes.

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